Sunday, September 11, 2016


Assalamualaikum and Hi people!

I felt so good to be back again writing here after a very long long holiday i gave to myself. You can say it much more like an 'escape' for me.

Semester 1 just began a week ago, yeayy ! It was a new start for me to get back myself, to stay focus on my study and to do things i love to do. A lot of things happened along the week, a positive one i can say.

1. Add and drop session - As usual the first week of the semester will be hectic week for IIUM students. We lined up in front of the lab and department to add subjects for hours. It was bad but i always believe good things will happen in the end. And it does! I got my subject added and i got to be in the same class with my fav person. Unexpectedly!

2. Seniors Juniors Sharing Session - I can't believe i'm in third year of my studies. Time really does flies so fast. It was a fun and awesome night as we shared our little experiences with the freshies. I enjoyed giving advices to them and warned them not to repeat the same mistake as i did when i was in first year. isnt it crazy how we can look back a year ago and realize everything has changed ? The memories you won't forget and the moments you wish you did. Everything.

3. Food and Movie - Hang out with friends make your day less stressed. There are always good in people. You learn more about them and yourself.

Spend more time with people who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you 

#TrainToBusan *thumbs up